Custom collage with added Filters on a Panoramic Canvas

A close friend of mine decided to celebrate all his adventures through his twenties leading up to his thirtieth birthday. He wanted an even wider panoramic canvas than I normally supply and that was the birth of the 20x50" option . We discussed taking it a step further and I suggested we mix in the Instagram collage style of adding Filters to the photos which really help make the colours stand out and  the quality of the images appear far richer.

When I start designing a custom collage, I always look to find suitable photos to be extra panoramic and central. I also look for photos that can be made to stand out and give the collage some focus. The customer can always swap these afterwards and chose their personal preferences. The panoramic along the bottom middle was the starting  point that I used before branching out and adding one photo at a time like a puzzle until every photo was perfectly fit.